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Donald Trump Private Conversation With Billy Bush Reveals He's as Gross As You Thought

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 7, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 7, 2016 |

Sunday night’s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton just got a little more interesting, after The Washington Post unearthed a 2005 conversation between Trump and then Access Hollywood reporter Billy Bush (who is now on the Today show, although maybe not for much longer).

During the conversation, Trump spoke of women in unquestionably gross terms while he was newly married to Melania Trump. “I did try and fuck her. She was married,” he told Billy Bush at one point, referring to an unknown woman.

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump said on the tape. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Trump also said that women let him kiss, grope them, and “grab them by the p**sy,” because he’s a “star.”

Billy Bush later played wing man to Trump’s attempts to hug a soap star.

The tape could be detrimental to Donald Trump’s campaign, or — as many suggest — it won’t make a difference at all, because Trump’s misogyny is already baked in for Trump supporters. I am hard pressed to believe that there aren’t some evangelicals who won’t abandon him.

In a rare move, however, Trump kind of sort of but didn’t really apologize, before somehow blaming Bill Clinton.

“This was a private conversation that took place many years ago,” he said in a statement. “Bill Clinton said far worse to me on the golf course. I apologize if anyone was offended.”

Billy Bush has also released a statement.

“Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago - I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I’m very sorry.”

Twitter has exploded with reactions.

Here’s Hillary’s.

It should also be noted that, around the time the Post released the tape, Paul Ryan tweeted the following (Hat Tip: Brian H.):

Planned Parenthood, meanwhile, is accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault.

Our new hero Ana Navarro has also gone on blast.

It’s early yet, but there have also been a few Republicans who have begun to distance themselves.

Here’s video of the conversation.

Here’s a full transcript of the conversation.

Trump: “You know and I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach.”
Unknown: “She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.”

Trump: “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
Unknown: “That’s huge news.”
Trump: “No, no. Nancy. No this was…”

Trump: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

Trump: “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Bush: “Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shtt. In the purple. Whoa, the Donald is good! Whoa, my man!”

Trump: “Look at you. You are a pussy.”

Trump: “Maybe it’s a different one.”
Bush: “It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s her.”
Trump: “Yeah, that’s her, with the gold.”

Trump: “I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Bush: “Whatever you want.”
Trump: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump: “Oh, nice legs, huh?”
Bush: “Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s good legs. Go ahead.”

Trump: “It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford. Gerald Ford, remember?”
Bush: “Down below. Pull the handle.”

Trump: “Hello. How are you? Hi.”
Arianne Zucker: “Hi Mr. Trump. How are you? Pleasure to meet you.”
Trump: “Nice Seeing you. Terrific, terrific. You know Billy Bush?”
Bush: “Hello, nice to see you. How you doing, Arianne?”
Zucker: “I’m doing very well, thank you. [To Trump] Are you ready to be a soap star?”
Trump: “We’re ready. Let’s go. Make me a soap star.”

Bush: “How about a little hug for the Donald? He just got off the bus.”
Zucker: “Would you like a little hug, darling?”
Trump: “Absolutely. Melania said this was OK.”
Bush: “How about a little hug for the Bushy? I just got off the bus. Here we go. Excellent. Well, you’ve got a nice co-star here.”
Trump: “Good. After you.”

Trump: “Come on, Billy, don’t be shy.”
Bush: “As soon as a beautiful woman shows up, he just takes off. This always happens.”
Zucker: “I’m sorry. Come here.”
Bush: “Let the little guy in here, come on.”
Zucker: “Yeah, let the little guy in. How you feel now? Better? I should actually be in the middle.”
Bush: “It’s hard to walk next to a guy like this. Yeah, you get in the middle. There we go.”
Trump: “Good. That’s better.”
Zucker: “This is much better. This is … “
Trump: “That’s better.”

Bush: “Now if you had to choose, honestly, between one of us: me or the Donald?”
Trump: “I don’t know, that’s some tough competition.”
Bush: “Seriously, you had to take one of us as a date.”
Zucker: “I’ll have to take the fifth on that one.”
Bush: “Really?”
Zucker: “Yup. I’ll take you both.”
Trump: “Which way?”
Zucker: “Make a right. Here we go.”
Bush: “Here he goes. I’m gonna leave you here. Give me my microphone.”
Trump: “OK. OK. Oh, you’re finished?”
Bush: “You’re my man. Yeah.”
Trump: “Oh, good.”