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Republicans Sink to a New Low as as They Continue to Take Shots at the Parkland, Florida Students

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 20, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 20, 2018 |


There are a lot of people from the right who have been taking shots at students from Florida, Parkland who lost 17 of their classmates to a man with an assault weapon last week. There’s Bill O’Reilly, for instance, who doesn’t think that teenagers have the emotional capacity to speak to gun reform.

There was also a right-wing talk show host who tweeted a conspiracy theory (“liked” by Donald Trump Jr.) — since deleted — with no basis in reality: “Could it be that this student is running cover for his dad who Works as an FBI agent at the Miami field office Which botched tracking down the Man behind the Valentine day massacre? Just wondering. Just connecting some dots.”

That conspiracy theory was shared around the Internet, no doubt with the help of Russian bots, which have been working overtime this week.

Then there’s horrific National Review commentator, Ben Shapiro, who offered, “What, pray tell, did these students do to earn their claim to expertise? They were present during a mass shooting, and they have the right point of view, according to the Left.”

Go f**k yourself, Ben Shapiro.

There’s also this completely fabricated nonsense:

But no one has sunk as low as right-wing troglodyte Dinesh D’Souza, who isn’t even allowed to own a gun thanks to a felony conviction for breaking campaign finance laws in 2014.

But first, some context:

By a vote of 36-71, the Florida House decided not to take a bill to prevent the sale of assault weapons, and they did so in front of students from Stoneman Douglas High School (note, too, that Florida is also the site of another mass shooting last year at the Pulse nightclub).

And here, ladies and gentlemen, is how Dinesh D’Souza responded to the photos of very upset teenagers who were basically dismissed by the majority of the Florida House:

If that doesn’t motivate you to vote in November, I don’t know what will.