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Did Donald Trump Just Slut Shame Kirsten Gillibrand (Probably. But He'll Deny It)

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 12, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 12, 2017 |

Good morning. What’s Donald Trump tweeting about today?!

Never met them, huh?

What network is he watching this morning, I wonder? Is Fox News reporting about the renewed sexual harassment allegations against Trump? Seems unlike Fox News. OH! Is it because they don’t want to talk about Roy Moore this morning? Because he’s a pedophile? Huh. Anyway. Trump has definitely got sex on the brain. I wonder what he’ll tweet next?


There’s a lot going on there, Donny. Clearly, Senator Gillibrand’s call for Donald Trump to resign has gotten under his skin. What’s this about “begging” and “would do anything for” contributions? Is he insinuating … nah? I mean, not even Trump would insinuate that. Or would he? Or maybe he is insinuating that, but in such a way that he can deny it. Is that what they call a dog whistle? And what does “used” mean in this context?

I’m sure that’s nothing. Let’s ask Paul Ryan what that tweet means:

“I haven’t seen this morning’s tweets. I don’t pay attention to what the President tweets. Please, for the love of God, just let me pass this tax plan and I’ll answer any question you want. Until then, please leave me alone.”

Well, what about Mitch McConnell:

“I believe the President just means that the junior Senator from New York was very eager to gain compaign contributions from the President, and that she was willing to make certain legislative deals favorable to Mr. Trump in exchange.”

Yeah. That’s probably exactly what the President means. I’m sure!

Let me my ask Uncle Joe, who lives in Arkansas, what he thought that tweet meant:

“Sounds like the President just said a used-up old lady exchanged BJs for cash.”

Huh. Well, I guess there are a variety of interpretations, aren’t there? We’ll just never know exactly what Trump meant by that tweet (he totally meant that last thing).

Meanwhile, BRING IT, Senator.