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No, Emperor Fast Food Farts Did Not Invite Racist Boy Jr. To The White House (Yet)

By Mike Redmond | Politics | January 23, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Politics | January 23, 2019 |


After inviting Glenn Greenwald on her show and hosting a smarmy, horseshoe politics pow-wow on how the mainstream media was too quick to judge MAGA Boy Nick Sandmann — that first reaction was the correct reaction, by the way — you’d think Laura Ingraham would be a tad cautious in how she approaches this story.

Haha, nope. Here she is diving face first into an “exclusive.”

And here’s how that scoop went.

But don’t worry, Eva Blonde knows exactly how to spin this.

In fairness, who among us would honestly be surprised if Racist Boss Nass invited Kid Klan to the White House for some Arby’s and a lively conversation about how much Barron likes the cyber, too? It’s all he talks about during their bi-monthly visits. Not to mention, Brett Kavanaugh Jr. apparently has a dynamite PR team who’s already landed him a cushy interview with Savannah Guthrie.

So first off, I’ll let the goddamn greatest tweet ever jump in for a moment.

And now some words from an old friend.

However, you can hire all the fancy PR firms in the world for your tiny bundle of bigotry, but you can’t teach a robot serial killer from the future how to show empathy for human life. I mean, you can, but it takes days of bonding with a young, street-tough John Connor, and clearly they skipped that part. Just blew right by it.

Wow. Jesus Christ. I’m not saying that answer is as bad as “When you say teenage, how old are we talking?” but it doesn’t instill confidence that Little Lord Privilege-roy learned a single lesson from any of this. Although, he does get bonus points for not yelling about boofing out poots at Tobin’s house because he likes beer so much.

Let’s be real about how low the bar is right now.