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Devin Nunes Wins the Darwin Award for Greatest Self Own of 2019

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 19, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 19, 2019 |


You folks remember Devin Nunes, former chair of the House Intelligence Committee (the irony), who has been known to carry water for Donald Trump, even if it means engaging in shady, unethical behavior? When his local paper, the Fresno Bee, began writing negative (though accurate) stories about Nunes, he ran his midterm campaign less against his Democratic opponent and more against the Fresno Bee, sending out a 38-page mailer against the paper and running political ads trying to discredit and undermine the free press. That’s what Nunes does. He responds to criticism not by changing his behavior, but by attacking those who criticize him.

Well, the snowflake is now suing Twitter. But guys! Guys! This is so good. He’s brought suit against Twitter and the parody accounts, “Devin Nunes’ Mom,” and “Devin Nunes’ Cow,” which, again, are parody accounts. It’s made for some spectacular newspaper copy, however. Take, for instance, this line: “The lawsuit named Devin Nunes’ Mom, alleging she ‘repeatedly tweeted and retweeted abusive and hateful content’ about him.” Or this line, from Fox News: “In her endless barrage of tweets, Devin Nunes’ Mom maliciously attacked every aspect of Nunes’ character, honesty, integrity, ethics and fitness to perform his duties as a United States Congressman.”

The suit has also highlighted a number of Tweets about Nunes, for which he is suing. For instance, this tweet:

And this tweet:

These parody accounts, by the way, were not particularly popular. Devin Nunes’ Mom account had already been suspended by Twitter, although Devin Nunes’ Cow — which had around 1,200 followers before the suit — now has over 64,000 followers and counting, and it’s retweeting stuff like this:

And this:

It’s only a matter of time before Devin Nunes’ Cow has more followers than Devin Nunes.

In the meantime, Twitter is having the time of its life.

These are for all you punf**kers out there.

Clearly, Nunes is attempting to silence free speech, which is not good (™), but there’s also little to no basis to the suit. He’s a public figure, and in such cases, there’s a very high threshold. Opinion and hyperbole are protected. The fact that Devin Nunes’ Mom and Devin Nunes’ Cow are parody accounts — and labeled as such — will probably mean that the case will be almost immediately dismissed, and Twitter should be able to countersue Nunes for a frivolous action. The suit was likely not brought with any intention of winning in a court of law, however. It was brought to score points in the court of public opinion. That gambit has obviously already backfired. Hilariously.