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Conservative America In Its Own Insane Words

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 5, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 5, 2019 |


This is flabbergasting.

Did you catch that? Because if you didn’t, Fox News anchors were expressing disgust at the fact that most Americans support taxing those who make over $10 million by 70 percent, and then they trot out some conservative pundit who says, I sh*t you not:

“The idea of fairness has been promoted in our schools for a long time. And we’re starting to see kids who grow up under this notion of fairness above all. And now they’re becoming voting age, and they’re bringing this ideology with them.”


Fairness is wrong?

Wait, wait, wait! Let me get this straight. Three wealthy personalities on Fox News — which supports a President who ostensibly was elected because of “economic anxiety” in Middle America — express disgust and contempt at the idea of “fairness” … but, conservatives vote against liberals for being “smug elitists.”

So, fairness is smug? And a fairer distribution of wealth is elitist?

I don’t think anyone understands the goddamn English language anymore.