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Bill Clinton Enrages America for 5 Minutes Before King Trump Tweets Something Even More Enraging

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 4, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 4, 2018 |


— It took me three tries before I could force myself to watch this entire clip of Bill Clinton defending his actions during his impeachment in light of the #MeToo movement. The gist? He handled the situation correctly, and he wouldn’t change a thing about what he did; he did not apologize to Monica Lewinsky personally (because he apologized “to the world,”) and, how can he be a sexist if he passed sexual harassment laws in the ’80s, had two female chiefs of staff, and hires women in leadership positions all the time.

I don’t know, Bill? How do you chew gum and walk at the same time?

As an ’80s kid from Arkansas, this is about the 432nd time Bill has broken my damn heart.

I barely got a chance to be angry about that, however, before King Trump trampled all over Bill Clinton’s bad news cycle:

Mondays, am I right?

Speaking of, why shouldn’t this guy get a pardon? All he was doing is exactly what King Trump does every day. Just politics as usual.

— This morning, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley visited a detention center to see how the kids who were stripped from their families were being treated. He was denied entry. They called the police on him.

King Trump’s America.

— FYI:

— Finally, this is a phenomenal piece of reporting about Scot Peterson, the school resource officer in Parkland who “didn’t go in.” Who Trump called a coward. Who got blamed by a lot of people for the deaths of 17 kids. But of course, that’s not the whole story. It’s not as though he ran away, or hid in his car. That’s now how it happened at all, and in many ways, Peterson is yet another victim in that shooting.