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Screenshot 2018-06-07 16.17.45.jpg

That One Time Kim Kardashian West Did Something Selfless: With Her Help, Alice Marie Johnson Was Released From Prison

By Mieka Strawhorn | Politics | June 7, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Politics | June 7, 2018 |

Screenshot 2018-06-07 16.17.45.jpg

Even in the midst of #thesetryngtimes, last week was a real mind fucker that was punctuated by a visit to the White House by Kim Kardashian West to discuss prison reform with President Donald Trump. What were her qualifications for doing so? She saw something on the internet. That’s as good as a PhD in Criminal Justice as far as the Trump administration is concerned. KKW asked for a meeting with Jared Kushner and Donald Trump after seeing a video on Mic about Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old grandmother who had been serving a life sentence in prison, with no possibility for parole, for the past 21 years on a first-time, nonviolent drug charge. After seeing that video, Kim involved herself in Alice’s cause and became her advocate, setting aside money she could have put “into a shopping spree”, and using it to foot the bill for Alice’s legal expenses. And since she’s pals with Ivanka Trump, Kim used her connections to get that Oval Office meeting.

However absurd that visit was (perhaps they also compared notes on their Golden Shower preferences), the Trump-KKW summit actually accomplished something wonderful. After pardoning Dinesh D’Souza, and hinting that he’d also like to commute Rod Blagojevich’s sentence, and maybe give Martha Stewart a pass, Donald decided to offer Alice a commutation.

Alice Marie Johnson was released from prison yesterday.

I don’t credit Trump’s heart, conscience, or empathy for what he did. He’s courting black votes by any means necessary. And say what you will about KKW; call her vapid, call her materialistic, call her an enabler of Kanye’s fuckery, but this week - you can also call her a hero. But only if you’re Alice Marie Johnson!