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After the Press Secretary Targets Him, Jimmy Kimmel Goes After the 'Hydroxy Horror Show'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 21, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 21, 2020 |


In last night’s quarantine monologue, Jimmy Kimmel took aim at the fourth White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who is just a treasure, bless. The birther who downplayed the threat of the Coronavirus even as the number of cases were starting to surge around the world, also attributes Trump’s 2016 win to the “power of prayer,” and stated yesterday that the President does support mail-in ballots for a good reason, but a pandemic is not a good reason.

McEnany also chided Jimmy Kimmel for comments Kimmel made about Trump taking hydroxychloroquine. “I thought about it for a long time last night and I’ve come to what I think is the only reasonable conclusion,” Kimmel said earlier this week. “He’s trying to kill himself.”

McEnany — who Kimmel calls Kayla Mac-a-looney — took issue with Kimmel (among others) during the press briefing yesterday. “No one should be taking this without a prescription from their doctor,” McEnany told reporters. “But that being said, I’ve seen a lot of apoplectic coverage of hydroxychloroquine. You had Jimmy Kimmel saying the president’s ‘trying to kill himself’ by taking it, you had Joe Scarborough saying ‘this will kill you.’ You had Neil Cavuto saying, ‘What have you got to lose? The one thing you have to lose are lives.’”

In last night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the late-night host addressed McEnany’s comments, ending by taking a cheap shot at McEnany’s hair coloring (if you’re going to take a cheap shot, Jimmy, you should [redacted].)

Anyway, the best part of the monologue had nothing to do with Trump or politics, but the unannounced quarantine drop-by, the cardinal sin of this era. “A friend calls you and says, ‘Hey! I’m pulling up in front of your house, come out and say hello,’ and then what are you going to do? You’re trapped. They know you are in there. They know you’re not doing anything. So you put on the mask, you go out there in front, and you have a weird, muffled conversation next to your mailbox for eight minutes.”

I feel very seen.

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