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After the President's Bizarre Behavior, #Rampgate, #TrumpIsUnwell, and #TrumpWearsAdultDiapers Trend on Twitter

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 14, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 14, 2020 |


Today is Donald Trump’s 74th birthday, and based on a commencement speech he gave at West Point yesterday, the years, the stress of the job, and the racism have clearly taken a toll. For instance, compare Trump in 2015 to low-energy Trump yesterday at West Point:

Meanwhile, here the President bizarrely needed the aid of one hand to help the other hand lift a glass of water to his mouth.

After he gave his speech, Trump also had difficulty walking down a short ramp.

But listen y’all — especially the Fake News — that was a really hard ramp to navigate. And we all saw him “run” down the final teen feet, didn’t we? Look at him run! MOMENTUM.

As you can imagine, Twitter is having a blast this morning with several trending topics, including #rampgate:


and #TrumpIsUnwell:

Meanwhile, Twitter is also trolling the President on his birthday, because “Best President Ever” is also trending, and all of the examples are of Obama:

Happy Obama Day!