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A Playlist For Paul Ryan To Cry To This Weekend

By Victoria McNally | Politics | March 24, 2017 |

By Victoria McNally | Politics | March 24, 2017 |

With the news that the AHCA bill has officially been withdrawn from a vote at the the House of Representatives, today was a good day for those of us (re: all of us) who want to be able to afford health care at any point for the rest of our lives. But it certainly wasn’t good for Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan, who’s reportedly been dreaming about the day he’d be able to deny American citizens necessary medical benefits to pay for wealthy tax cuts since college.

Heck, look at how poorly he’s handling rejection in this (extremely fake) New York Times story!

Almost immediately this was exposed as a hoax, but admit it — there’s something oddly appealing about the visual, right? Paul Ryan in the back of a car with his head in his hands, quietly wanting to cut his life into pieces just like Papa Roach. Who hasn’t been there?

So for you, Paul Ryan, we at Pajiba have created a playlist to help you through this trying time in your life. You’ll also notice that it goes almost immediately from angry screaming music to the types of sad songs we think will resonate more dramatically with your current situation.
