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Morning Briefing: Donald Trump Continues to Destroy the NFL, Humiliate His Attorney General

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 5, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 5, 2018 |


Fox News, the propaganda arm of the White House, is using footage of Eagles players praying to falsely suggest that they were kneeling last year, in order to somehow justify Trump’s decision to cancel their White House visit.

Eagles tight end here:

They didn’t kneel during the National Anthem, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because who the hell cares if they kneeled? It doesn’t matter because this was never about kneeling in the first place. It doesn’t matter because Trump canceled the visit to avoid the embarrassment of having only 10 Eagles players show up, and it doesn’t matter because Trump has decided to use all of this as another attempt to stir up the culture wars and divide people.

The only surprise to me is that he’s been able to succeed at using the NFL as a wedge issue since it is probably the second most popular sport among red-meat conservatives (behind NASCAR). He’s turned conservatives against the players, and he’s turned liberals against the owners, and basically, all he’s done is to hasten the destruction of a league that probably should be destroyed for so many other reasons that have nothing to do with kneeling. So, thanks?

Now go after college football players, Trump! Let’s see what happens in the South! Fuck with the Crimson Tide, or the Razorbacks, or the Longhorns. I dare you.

Speaking of NASCAR …

Donald Trump doesn’t know shit about NASCAR. Nothing. Zero. Nada.

— Here’s a fun twist that I didn’t realize until the Daily Beast reported it today: If there’s a legal showdown between Trump and Mueller about whether Trump will have to answer a subpoena, the case will first go to the DC Circuit Court, and guess who the Chief Judge is there? NO! Guess!

Merrick Garland.

My God, how perfect would it be if whole shebang comes down to a decision made by the man that Mitch McConnell kept off the Supreme Court.

— Christ Almighty, the wife of George Papadopoulos is going on Tucker Carlson to ask Donald Trump for a pardon. THIS IS WHAT WE’VE BECOME.

— You lying-ass motherfucker.




— Finally, it’s primary day in several states, chief among them California. If you live in California — and especially if you live in a district where a Republican is retiring — please get all your friends together and rally around one candidate, so there’s not a split among Democrats leaving two Republicans on the November ballot. What a potential disaster that could be.