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This Week On Podjiba: 'Cobra Kai', 'Bridgerton', 'The Stand', And... Dustin Was Right About Something?

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | January 6, 2021 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | January 6, 2021 |


Happy 2021! Podjiba is back, and better than ever!

To give you a sense of just how committed we are to improving, here’s a list of all the upgrades we’ve made to the podcast for the new year:

- Dustin got a new microphone

So many improvements, and we’re just getting started! Stick with us, it’s definitely probably getting a little better as time goes on.

This week on the show (spoilers, of course):

We talk about the CBS All-Access version of The Stand!

Tori helps Dustin and Dan understand why everyone’s so excited about Bridgerton (a show that I have yet to see, but it just so happens that Pajiba dot com, a very good website which you are currently visiting, has quite the selection of articles to read on the topic, like Mae’s review, or Roxana’s excellent feature on male consent, or Kayleigh’s exploration of romantic fiction tropes! Basically, there’s lots of material here for you to check out, is what I’m saying)!

Unsurprisingly, Dustin and Dan both watched Tori’s holiday gift, Cobra Kai!

Tori introduces us to the wild world of Netflix’s Korean supernatural drama Sweet Home!

Also, a game, and then Dustin gets to explain that he “called” something about Podjiba’s best show of 2020, The Mandalorian (Note: it is important for me to point out that neither Tori nor I remember this)!

These posts always end with a link to download the episode directly (which you can do right here), but this time, it also ends with one of those things where it says if you rate and review the show at Apple podcasts or wherever else you can rate podcasts (but really, let’s be honest, it’s Apple, right?), it helps the show somehow because algorithms. It then asks that if you are going to rate the show, please give five stars, but then again if we’re in a world where all we want are five star reviews then what is the point of having a five star rating system? If five is great and one is terrible and everything in the middle is mostly ignored then shouldn’t it really be a thumbs up/thumbs down system, like that which Netflix has implemented? Basically does this mean Netflix is right? That wasn’t the intended destination for this blurb at the end but here we are. Where was I? Oh yes, five stars, please and thank you.