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Roxana Returns To Help Podjiba Celebrate The Best Of 2020 TV!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | December 16, 2020 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | December 16, 2020 |


Hey everybody, it’s mid-December, and you know what that means: it’s the final (full) Podjiba of 2020!

(Wait as everyone sighs in relief.)

(Reconsider life choices upon realizing that some of the sighs are about the podcast, and not the end of the year itself.)

(Realize you’ve been in your own parentheticals for way too long and it’s time to get back to the post.)

Roxana once again joins Dustin, Tori, and Dan as we did our best to mention as many of the television shows that we liked by guessing their titles via Senior Superlative-style descriptions! We somehow managed to not mention all the shows we saw and loved, while also realizing that we probably didn’t actually watch as much television as we thought this year! Which is weird and mathematically impossible, yet here we are.

You’ll also get the answer to the most anticipated question of the year: did The Mandalorian repeat as Podjiba’s official best show of the year?

For the answer to that… you will have to listen in! And all the way through, don’t just skip to the very end to hear the answer, it’s fun we promise!

We’ll have mini-episodes for you over the next two weeks, but we’ll be back to our regular recording in 2021!

Much like airplane emergency procedures, I’m sure you already know everything that I’m about to say, but don’t forget that Podjiba can be found at any fine podcast establishment, as well as embedded below, and downloadable from this link right here!