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Did Lin-Manuel Miranda Sneak a Reference to His Favorite Podcast Into the Hamilton Grammy Performance?

By Courtney Enlow | Podcasts | February 16, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Podcasts | February 16, 2016 |

Why, yes. Yes, he did.

As you may have seen in Kristy’s post this morning, Lin-Manuel Miranda posted some very sweet tweets after his INCREDIBLEOMGAMAZINGAHHHHHHHHHH performance during the Grammys last night. Including this one:

To those not in the know, they may have thought little about his choice of words in saying “*greatjob*.” Perhaps it was an inside joke, or just a fancy way of congratulating his cast and crew.

But it was more than that. And our podcast-loving hearts grew three sizes that day.

As I said recently when expounding upon the virtues of the human perfection that is Sir Lin-Manuel (I knighted him myself, I have the power to do so, it’s true, don’t worry about it), he is a fan and friend of the podcast My Brother, My Brother and Me. And that fandom/friendom has resulted in a nonstop trolling of youngest brother, Griffin McElroy, on the show’s Facebook group with memes and celebrity videos. Like Tyra Banks. And Carly Rae Jepsen. And The Rock. All of them feature the stars telling Griffin “GREAT JOB,” a reference to the show. Also Miranda posts on the Facebook group with impossible frequency LIKE A MAN WHO DOESN’T HAVE MORE JOBS THAN SEACREST.

But the tweet wasn’t the only MBMBaM reference. If you’re very keen of eye, you’ll find him air-honking his “GREAT JOB” horn for Griffin. This gif, created by Adam DeMarie and shared to the MBMBaM Facebook group, shows it in action:


Even Hillary Clinton knows what’s up.

So, to Lin-Manuel Miranda, the entire cast and crew of Hamilton, the Brothers McElroy, and MBMBaM fans everywhere, to you I say, GREAT JOB.