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This Week On Podjiba: 'WandaVision', 'Clarice', And Oh Right We Missed Last Week For Totally Legit Reasons!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | February 17, 2021 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | February 17, 2021 |


Do you miss football already? If so, you’re in luck, because Fan Controlled Football is here!

Teams apparently are redrafted every week, and you can help call plays on Twitch! This is definitely a real thing! Here are some highlights from the first week!

I may still (kinda) watch football, and I’ve been known to play some video games or even watch stuff on Twitch, but somehow the combination of all of this officially makes me feel old, which, it turns out, makes total sense, because I started watching The Equalizer and Clarice (both of which recently premiered on CBS) and I thought they were… adequate? Maybe okay, even? What has happened? Has CBS changed, or have I?

We discuss both of those shows this week, along with the finale of Your Honor, a little bit on Prodigal Son, and of course, more WandaVision discourse than you can tweet about!

Finally: you may have noticed that we didn’t have a podcast last week. Apologies! Certain extenuating circumstances got in the way of us recording the episode. But don’t worry, because while our consecutive weeks of content streak officially ended at 75 (!), we’re very excited to start off a brand new streak for you today!

Podjiba is a podcast, which you already know, and if you’re looking for it out in the world, perhaps anywhere you find your podcasts already is a good place to start! (If you don’t have a podcast place, perhaps Apple or Spotify will suffice.) Want the show directly on your hard drive? Perhaps this is the link you seek! (It definitely is)