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'1923,' 'National Treasure: Edge Of History,' 'Connect,' And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | December 21, 2022 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | December 21, 2022 |


Well, we’ve done it. We’ve reached the end of another year, and another last (full) episode of Podjiba!

Don’t worry, we’ll still have (shorter) episodes over the next two weeks until we return to talk about whatever new television we managed to take up over the holidays, but in the meantime, we did manage to cram in a rather decent amount of TV talk (with only a minimal diversion toward Water Talk) in our final full episode of 2022!

- I finally caught up on The White Lotus and had some things to say! (It’s fine!)

- We discuss (with spoilers) the Survivor Season 43 Finale!

- Dustin demanded (again) a chance to talk about the new Paramount+ Yellowstone spinoff 1923!

- Tori helps us understand what’s going on with the new Disney+ series of National Treasure: Edge Of History!

- Then, Tori also introduced us to an insane-sounding (and Takashi Miike-directed) Hulu show Connect!

- Finally, we end with some good old-fashioned Mythic Quest discussion, as we talk about this season’s flashback episode that was so good even Dustin liked it!

Podjiba! A podcast about television, and sometimes other things like water or wood, can always be found wherever podcasts are, including right here.