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Not Great, Pod! Bonus Ep 2: 50 Shades of Don Draper

By Sarah Carlson | Podcasts | July 29, 2014 |

By Sarah Carlson | Podcasts | July 29, 2014 |

Bobbie_MadMen.pngOur Mad Men rewatch continues this month as we cover the first five episodes of Season Two and marvel at how dark Don gets, and how quickly.

We particularly focus on the episodes “For Those Who Think Young,” “Flight 1,” and “The New Girl.” Peggy is sleepwalking through life; Betty’s ennui overtakes almost everything except her love of horses (but just look at her Nordic heritage — she can’t help it!); Joan and Kinsey bicker in unflattering ways; and we are introduced to Jimmy (Patrick Fischler) and Bobbie Barrett (the fabulous Melissa McGraw), straight-talking characters who have a tendency to bring out the worst in Don.

We — myself, Corey Atad, and special guest Ariel Fisher, of Row Three and Rue Morgue — discuss these topics and more in the second of 10 bonus episodes of Not Great, Pod!, counting down to the second half of Mad Men’s final season in 2015.

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Enjoy the show.

Sarah Carlson is Television Editor for Pajiba. She lives in San Antonio. You can find her on Twitter.