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A Lesson in Parenting: Never Make an Important Skype Call With Children at Home

By Dustin Rowles | Parenting | March 10, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Parenting | March 10, 2017 |

Most parents have been there at one point or another: On the phone with an important call to work, a business associate, or even paying a bill online, and no matter how many times you tell the damn kids, “No talking to Daddy while he’s on the phone!” it won’t matter. The kids are still going to grab your hand and yell, “But Daddy, I have to to to the potty. NOW!”

Well, let’s quadruple that embarrassment by putting you not only on television, but on the news discussing a serious issue like relations between North and South Korea. With video.

How many people felt worse for his poor wife, who probably took 20 seconds to go to the bathroom herself, only to walk out and discover, to her horror, that her children have invaded their father’s space. She looks mortified.