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Will Smith, Please Stop Talking About Your Sex Life for the Love of God

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 23, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 23, 2021 |


If you don’t want to read about Will Smith having so much sex that he couldn’t even nut without throwing up, go ahead and skip this link. Just keep on walking. (Buzzfeed)

Jennifer Lawrence tells Vanity Fair she’s proud of her top billing in Don’t Look Up, but that co-star Leonardo DiCaprio was paid more. (Lainey Gossip)

So Kim Kardashian definitely gave Pete Davidson a hickey. (Dlisted)

Chrissy Teigen had… eyebrow transplant surgery? WTF? (Celebitchy)

From Jen: Know where your favorite conspiracy theories fall on the chart.

From James: Appendectomy = Abortion.

From Claude:

Amazon wants to make a Mass Effect series? You have my attention. (Deadline)

Don’t worry, everybody, Chris Pratt’s Mario won’t have an Italian accent, which apparently Illumination is pretending is a concern and not the blandness of hiring the most vanilla white bread actor alive. (TooFab)

Dave Chappelle is already making transphobic jokes again while Jon Stewart stands next to him basically giving his approval. Awesome, awesome… (Daily Beast)

Janelle Shane’s look at the reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI), You Look Like a Thing and I Love You, was funny and gave Kittenkong42 a lot to think about. "Our risk from AI is not that they’re smart, it’s that we and it are just too dumb right now to get it right." Who are your favorite fictional AI characters? (Cannonball Read 13)

OK, technically, this post will go up on Tuesday night, but the vast majority of you won’t see it until Wednesday. More importantly, BABY OTTERS.

P.S. This will be the last Pajiba Love until the weekend, so for those of you who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone else, enjoy whatever it is you do!