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Who the Hell Is Still Giving Jonathan Majors Awards?

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 12, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 12, 2024 |


Just when it seemed like Jonathan Majors has rightly crawled under a rock where he belongs, he’s set to receive the perseverance award at the Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards, whatever the heck those are. As for what he’s persevered through, the dude was convicted not even six months ago. He’s probably still cashing Marvel checks. What are we doing here, folks? (THR)

Hiroyuki Sanada, Anna Sawai, and Tadanobu Asano are campaigning hard for Shōgun as Emmy nomination voting is set to begin. (Lainey Gossip)

Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose have already filed for divorce. Love is dead. (Celebitchy)

Even Don Jr. wishes Joe Biden was his dad. (Wonkette)

From Lainey: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is engaged. Congrats to the happy(?) couple. (The Cut)

Just a reminder to anyone who still thinks both parties are the same, evangelicals are not stopping at abortion when it comes to controlling women’s bodies. (Mediaite)

Kayleigh wrote about the 1999 battle between two titans of American animation — Disney’s Tarzan and the South Park movie. (A.V. Club)

From Emma: Bravo men are the gifts that keep not giving. (NYT)

From Jen: This is a big deal for Colbert, I’m sure. Would love to be a fly on the wall for this audience. (Axios)

Arcane Season 2 will be its last, but Riot has more stories to tell. (Kotaku)

From Chris: I don’t get “Summer Fridays” at the day job, but this is how I’d imagine them going now. (McSweeney’s)

Technology writer Joanne McNeil’s fiction debut, Wrong Way, cemented for Halbs that he will read anything she writes. “She starts close and human and then zooms out to larger cultural issues. I think that’s where the power of her insight comes from - the humanity of it.” Whose writing about technology do you recommend? (Cannonball Read 16)