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No, Vandalizing Nancy Pelosi's House Is Not 'Cool,' You Idiots

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 3, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 3, 2021 |


If you think it’s awesome that “cool people” — actual words — vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s house over the stimulus checks that MITCH McCONNELL wouldn’t raise above $600 because REPUBLICANS control the Senate, you’re a brain-dead online zealot who no one should listen to ever. (Jezebel)

Ranking the textiles and prints of Bridgerton. (Lainey Gossip)

Zöe Kravitz files for divorce from the Russian dude from Devs after less than two years of marriage. (Dlisted)

George Clooney reminisces about Boris Johnson comparing him to Hitler. (Celebitchy)

Opposition to the term “Karen” continues because an unwillingness to tackle racism continues. (The Root)

Patty Jenkins offered an “explanation” for the not great consent issue regarding Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor taking over another dude’s body, and apparently the sex was magicked away? Which sounds nice until you realize it doesn’t erase Wonder Woman still doing it and clearly remembering all of that shit. (Patty Jenkins)

Selena Gomez lights Facebook on fire for spreading COVID misinformation and blames the site for almost definitely causing thousands of deaths. (Deadline)

From Roxana: When Eminem has the right point, but not the right context? (Uproxx)

Alison Brie had an embarrassing incident on the set of Mad Men that involved pissing herself. (Uproxx)

For Plex, Petr wrote about the comfort and serenity that comes with playing pixel art video games. (Plex)

From Nicole: This rescue is epic as hell. If 2021 is the year of mullet superheroes, I wouldn’t be mad at it. (Tyler Wright)

ElCicco started Cannonball Read 13 with Whirligig by Paul Fleischman. It tells the story of a young man who makes a terrible mistake and works towards redemption through restorative justice. "This was a nice way to start a new year following a disastrous year that was full of mistakes." How are you starting your new year? (Cannonball Read 13)