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The Weeknd's Response to Rolling Stone Was a Choice

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 1, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 1, 2023 |


Before HBO got everybody in line to issue a formal denial to the Rolling Stone exposé that accuses The Idol production of becoming a “sexual torture porn” bonanza under the direction of Sam Levinson, The Weeknd decided to take things into his own hands on Instagram. While asking, “Rolling Stone did we upset you?” he shared a clip from the unfinished show where his character proceeds to trash the music magazine as “irrelevant.” As clips go, it’s not the most fascinating and mostly makes me hope Dan Levy walks away from all of this unscathed because, sadly, he’s in it. (Instagram)

Shakira is making her power known. (Lainey Gossip)

Kylie Jenner lost a million followers over the Selena Gomez drama. (Dlisted)

King Charles evicted Harry and Meghan from some sort of… frog cottage? (Celebitchy)

From Roxana: Donnie Yen simply cannot stop kicking ass. (GQ)

Everyone relax. Tom Brady isn’t doing stand-up comedy. (AV Club)

Stranger Things is getting a stage play. (The Verge)

From Seth: This is a great podcast, in general, that tears apart popular airport books. But this (partial) episode is essential listening for anyone who still has questions about the bullshit media framing of the trans kids “debate.” (If Books Could Kill)

Jessa Seewald Duggar did not like everyone correctly pointing out that she definitely had an abortion. (Jezebel)

And speaking of Arkansas, Little Rock students would really like it if Sarah Huckabee Sanders stopped using their school as a prop. (Raw Story)

From Andrew: Resurfaced video of random celebs singing “Let It Be” has to be seen to be believed. (indy100)

Sophia identified a lot with Kate Beaton’s frustration struggling with student debt and working in a male-dominated area. Beaton’s Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands describes the daily trauma to humans and environmental impact of the oil fields. "It hit me emotionally-much stronger than I expected." Whose memoir have you identified with?  (Cannonball Read 15)

From James: