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The Internet Says 'Nope' to Alec & Hilaria Baldwin's Parenting Podcast

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 6, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 6, 2021 |


Alec and Hilaria Baldwin announced they’re starting a parenting podcast, and people are justifiably dragging their asses. (Dlisted)

Jennifer Lopez might be abandoning Miami for Ben Affleck. (Lainey Gossip)

Stephen King shared his thoughts on J.K. Rowling, and it wasn’t as entirely foot in mouth as you’d expect, but YMMV. (Celebitchy)

Relatedly, from Andrew: Katt Williams gave a pretty spot-on explanation of “cancel culture” among comedians.

“The state of Alabama took his gun away. When authorities gave it back, he shot and killed his wife.” Oh, and also he was a COP. Way to bury the lede. (NBC News)

From Kristy: The Eastern PA accent captured in Mare of Easttown is dying off. The killer is… millennials. (Mental Floss)

And Kristy again: What Karma looks like in Pride Month. (TikTok)

From Kayleigh:

Issa Rae is voicing Spider-Woman in Into The Spider-Verse 2. Hell yes. (THR)

This thread on the original sequel to the 101 Dalmations book is freaking wild. (Twitter)

Master and Commander is getting a prequel, but from the sound of things, Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany will not be arguing about bugs. Dangit. (Deadline)

Quick Questions with a Cannonballer are great for learning about Cannonballers, but sometimes the interview subjects learn something about themselves too. Postcardsandbooks realized she reads for plot, not character. "I recently proclaimed Murderbot was my favourite character in a review comment, but this might just be because I’m currently reading it." Who is your favorite book character? Or do you read more for plot? (Cannonball Read 13)