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The Ezra Miller Problem Is Not Going Away Anytime Soon

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 18, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 18, 2022 |


Following reports that Ezra Miller is seeking treatment and made nice with Warner Bros. Discovery in an effort to prevent The Flash from being scrapped, the studio still has a major problem on its hands even if, by some miracle, Miller is being kept on ice. That problem? More details rolling in about their crazed behavior. Or even worse, more details rolling in plus Miller’s inner circle casting severe doubts about their “treatment.” So, naturally, that’s exactly what happened in a new exposé from Vanity Fair on Miller’s downward spiral, which reportedly involved grooming minors, abusing women, stockpiling weapons, and referring to themselves as “Jesus and the devil” while demanding “offerings” at an altar in their Vermont home. Best of luck to the marketing department at WB Discovery. (Vanity Fair)

Will Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling New York premiere be accepted by the wider public after a week’s break from their pre-release drama? (Lainey Gossip)

I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge that Pat Sajak is a rampant right-winger, but just in case, here he is with Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Dlisted)

Buckingham Palace let Prince Harry wear his military uniform after looking like vengeful jackasses. (Celebitchy)

From Kayleigh:

From Ciara:

From Petr:

From Claude:

From James:

On Friday night, Ashton Pittman published an in-depth report on just what the hell Brett Favre got into having a volleyball stadium built for his daughter’s college, and it is f*cking damning. They literally took millions from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which Mississippi is notoriously stingy about giving to actual families in need. Favre and his alleged conspirators also left a massive paper trail because master criminals they are not. (Mississippi Free Press)

Kevin Smith says Harvey Weinstein is holding Dogma hostage. (The Wrap)

If you’re a huge GTA fan, Merry Christmas! (Polygon)

Natalie Zina Walschots’ supervillan-centric Hench is the first book 1000Oysters has been excited about in a while. "It hit at the perfect intersection of databases, supervillainy, competence, and misanthropy." What have you wanted everyone to read recently? (Cannonball Read 14)