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'QAnon Shaman' Refuses to Eat Prison Food Because It's Not 'Organic'

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 11, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 11, 2021 |


Sexiest Man Alive Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey make their relationship Instagram official. (Lainey Gossip)

Kirstie Alley says Trump’s Twitter ban is “slavery.” OK, lady who believes Tom Cruise is a flying Space Jesus. Whatever you say! (Dlisted)

Ivanka Trump was “hurt” by Karlie Kloss’ tweet about her. Boo f*ckin’ hoo. (Celebitchy)

Making “Megxit” official, Meghan Markle has reportedly abandoned plans to apply for UK citizenship. (The Root)

Ben Affleck is directing YA adaptations for Disney now. Neat? (Deadline)

From Genevieve: “Some things do not need to be internet-enabled.” Warning: Article contains WiFi-connected, uh, chastity cages? (Vice)

Which government do I need to overthrow to make this happ— too soon?

Pay close attention to the “commercials” during WandaVision. (Comic Book)

“This is like a plot straight out of the later, sucky seasons of House of Cards where they just go full evil and say, ‘Let’s spark mass protests and start wars and whatever.’” (Intelligencer)

In the midst of, well, goddamn everything, I didn’t get a chance to fully delight in this Danish children’s show about a dude who walks around picking things up with his stretchy dong. If this is why Caillou went off the air, there is a God. (Vulture)

Vel veeter particularly appreciated that John Lukacs’ Five Days in London was based in history and not hagiography. "England sounds so much more familiar and realistic here, knowing that there was plenty of bickering, infighting, self-delusion, and self-interest." Do you prefer your history to be told as comforting or gritty? (Cannonball Read 13)