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Please Don’t Punch Delightful Character Actor Steve Buscemi in the Face

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 12, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 12, 2024 |


I make very few requests in life, but can we not punch Steve Buscemi in the face when he’s just walking down the street, minding his own business? Or anyone, really, but I’m willing to meet in the middle and say senior citizens are off limits. And babies, too, I guess. They’re pretty rubbery, though, so let’s not make it a dealbreaker or anything. (NBC News)

What will become of Rihanna’s Met Gala outfit? (Lainey Gossip)

A Virginia school board tried to ban a kid’s painting because it was mean about Christians being mean. (Wonkette)

From Jen: 98 is a wonderfully long life, but dammit. RIP Roger Corman. (Variety)

If Marvel isn’t going to put a perfectly good Frank Grillo to use, then James Gunn and DC Studios definitely will. (The Mary Sue)

From Chris: The RFK Jr. Brain Worms story gets the Richard Scarry treatment. (Instagram)

Hacks star Hannah Einbinder dropped a barnstormer rebuttal to comedians crying about “cancel culture.” (IndieWire)

From Emma: Putting this here so everyone is spared from my writing about it again. TLDR: Andy Cohen ain’t goin’ nowhere. (THR)

Is Fallout’s binge release hurting its Emmy chances? (Vulture)

Also from Emma: P.S. Please read John Mayer’s delightful letter in response to Cohen being questioned about their friendship. (THR)

Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks Fox News is trying to murder Tucker Carlson. (Mediaite)

From Chris: Megan Thee Stallion’s “BOA” dropped with a super fun video and the song interpolates Gwen Stefani’s “What You Waiting For?” (YouTube)

Nintendo doesn’t want to deal with Twitter either. (Gizmodo)

Ardaigle is recommending The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff to everyone. “The humor is dark, but the characters (mostly women) are authentic, interesting and very relatable as they try to navigate the world of men while finding ways to advocate for themselves in a world that doesn’t want them to do much at all.” Which books are you recommending? (Cannonball Read 16)