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Pete Davidson Texts Kanye To ‘Grow the F--- Up’ and Stop Being an ‘Internet B---- Boy’

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 13, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 13, 2022 |


After months of turning the other cheek, Pete Davidson let Kanye West know he’s done being quiet. After telling West to “calm down” and “grow the f*ck up,” Davidson invited West to meet him at the Beverly Hilton Hotel so they can settle this privately and get Kanye the help he needs for the sake of his kids and their mother. (Page Six)

Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke talk up Moon Knight, their mystical mythology superhero show, in a new Disney+ featurette. (Lainey Gossip)

Dakota Johnson is a serial wedding crasher, apparently. (Dlisted)

Prince William and Kensington Palace have “nothing to add” to racist SNAFU. (Celebitchy)

William Hurt also died today. Here’s an important article about him. (Daily Beast)

After a week of getting browbeat for not doing the right thing, Disney CEO Bob Chapek has apologized for not taking a stronger stance against Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill and announced that Disney has paused all political donations in the state. (IndieWire)

Hillary warned you all about Tulsi. (Mediaite)

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s original story was so grim, it got rewritten. (io9)

MG Dietzel would really like people to know that though Neal Stephenson’s books, like Termination Shock, are chonkers, they are also pulpy, fast reads. "And sure, he does go into multi-page digressions about whatever his current research obsession is, but that is also interspersed with plane crashes and people shooting boars out of helicopters." What would be your elevator pitch to someone who hasn’t read Stephenson? (Cannonball Read 14)

From Kayleigh: