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No, Cate Blanchett, You Are Not Middle Class

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 22, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 22, 2024 |


Cate Blanchett is worth $95 million, so obviously, she should not be out here declaring herself as “middle class.” When you tells your kids that it’s frozen meals for a while because the car needed new tires, get back to me. (Page Six)

Welp, you know the Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez situation is getting real when there’s a PEOPLE cover story. Battle stations! (Lainey Gossip)

Trump doesn’t give a single sh*t whether birth control is legal or not. (Wonkette)

From Dustin: My favorite thing about this Glen Powell profile is that, like Austin Butler, he’s another guy that Denzel believed in! He’s got the Denzel stamp of approval! (THR)

In today’s Cancel Culture Thunderdome, it’s pretty quaint to see Michael Richards talk about his scandal and how he knew the problem was himself, so he disappeared for years and worked on that with absolutely no desire to ever make a comeback. (Variety)

From Andrew: Happy Birthday to the most “These People Are Not In The Same Room” photo ever taken. (Twitter)

Would you believe Justice Alito has been caught with another flag linked to January 6? Who’s hanging these for him, Scott Perry? That was a little PA humor for ya, folks. How’s everyone doing tonight? (Mediaite)

From Petr: Oi, yanks, taking the piss, pay up. (Sky News)

Jonathan Hickman is writing a Wolverine mini-series with Greg Capullo on art? You have my full and undivided attention. (Polygon)

Cosbrarian (check out her series, F*cked Up Fairy Tales), called Kate Forsyth’s fictional narrative of the life of Dortchen Wild, The Wild Girl, catnip. “Revolutionary era Europe, the history of the Grimm fairy tales from a female perspective, with allusions to those fairy tales woven in.” What subjects do you love to read about? (Cannonball Read 16)

Oh, hey, it’s the first official look at Liam Hemsworth in The Witcher Season 4. Remember when Netflix thought this would be its Game of Thrones? Lol.