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Minneapolis Pledges to Disband Its Police Department, Here We Go

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 7, 2020 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 7, 2020 |


A veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council voted to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and invest in “community-led public safety.” (The Appeal)

Lainey goes deep on K-pop fans putting in an insane amount of time and dedication to support Black Lives Matter. (Lainey Gossip)

Add racism to the list of awful things about Dance Mom’s Abby Lee Miller. (Dlisted)

Kanye West donated $2 million to the families of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor then marched in a BLM protest. If he’s trying to make amends for the MAGA hat business, this is not a bad step. (Celebitchy)

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette barred a Black reporter from covering protest-related stories and is now censoring articles. I wish I could say I’m surprised. (The Root)

Niecy Nash on the heartbreak and rage of black parents. (Vanity Fair)

After the colossally butt-stupid decision to run Tom Cotton’s fascist op-ed without even reading it, James Bennett has resigned as the NYT Editorial Page Editor effective immediately. (New York Times)

The lethal history of rubber bullets — and why they should never be used on peaceful protesters. (Fast Company)

Ramesh A. Nagarajah with a profoundly good piece on what it means to be the token Black friend. (Medium)

Justice Smith from Detective Pikachu and The Get Down shares his story as a queer black man. (Instagram)

Strong piece on the particular trauma felt by Black journalists covering this nonstop cycle of their community being murdered by police. (LA Times)

Manimama reviewed Dale Mayer’s Skin, which she says you should avoid, and three books in Christina Lauren’s Wild Seasons series, which she liked. The Wild Seasons series revolves around two groups of friends who drunkenly get married in Vegas. "The first three books are well written with great characterization and the sex scenes are really well written." How far away does strangers marrying in Vegas seem right now? (Cannonball Read 12)

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