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Meghan McCain Is Just Like Meghan Markle, You Guys, Just Like Her

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 8, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 8, 2021 |


After toying with the notion last week, Meghan McCain dove right in Monday morning by comparing her tabloid experience to Meghan Markle’s, which obviously, are not even close. — The shitty Meghan actually acknowledged that fact before still going ahead with it anyway. — But more importantly, she mostly wanted an opportunity to let everyone on The View know that she remembers all those stories they leaked about her. It was peak MY FATHER served with a Karen-y mayo glaze. (Daily Beast)

Sarah shares her thoughts on the WandaVision finale and how she appreciates that the MCU finally seems to be growing up. (Lainey Gossip)

Oh, OK. Kim Kardashian and Drake are a thing already. Neat. (Dlisted)

Leslie Jones improvised most of her lines in Coming 2 America. (Celebitchy)

In case you were wondering, Bossip headlines are still a work of art:

FBI report finds that white supremacists seek to join armed forces and law enforcement. Uh, yeah, we know. (The Root)

From Roxana: It’s Women Writers Week over at, and you’ll see some regular Pajiba bylines there! Check out the coverage from today through Friday. (

Um, if your kids were watching Tom & Jerry on HBO Max earlier today, they may have heard Murder Batman say “f*ck.” You might want to check on them. (Deadline)

Paul Bettany confirms he’s going to be Vision for a while. Interesting… (Esquire)

Play chess under Anya Taylor-Joy’s withering, pixelated gaze with this browser game based on The Queen’s Gambit. (AV Club)

Kelly Marie Tran doesn’t seem to be in a rush to return to Star Wars, and honestly, who can blame her? (Comic Book)

It’s International Women’s Day and a good time to celebrate the challenging women we find in books. Cannonballers are sharing their favorite fictional and non-fictional women. JenK says about NK Jemisin’s Essun, "at no point does she become someone that is easy to like…as the novels go on, you can’t help but root for her." Who are the difficult women you love to spend time with in books? (Cannonball Read 13)