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Lily Allen and David Harbour Are Reportedly Engaged

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 8, 2020 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 8, 2020 |


David Harbour and Lily Allen either got hitched or are getting hitched in Vegas sometime very soon. (People)

Katie Holmes has a new boyfriend, and don’t quote me on this, but I don’t think she’ll have to hide this one now that her alleged secret contract to protect Tom Cruise’s ego has expired. (Lainey Gossip)

Angelina Jolie had a natural reaction to Brad Pitt taking his new girlfriend to their French chateau. You know, the one where they got married. (Dlisted)

In a commentary on how women’s health issues are ignored for far too long, Padma Lakshmi is “pissed” that her doctors waited until she was 36 to recommend endometriosis surgery. (Celebitchy)

Lupita Nyong’o wrote a powerful and touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman. (The Root)

Meghan McCain believes The Atlantic reporting — Does her husband know that? — but she also thinks the magazine should’ve given her family a heads-up. Of course. (Deadline)

So remember the dude who wanted to rename boneless wings as “wet tenders,” and we all had a good laugh? Because everything is awful, it turns out he’s racist, right-wing weirdo who was mocking Black Lives Matter with an assist from his councilman dad, according to this thread:

A robot wrote an article on why we should trust robots, which is not at all terrifying. Pile it on, 2020. (The Guardian)

Trump recently visited Mr. Rogers’ hometown of Latrobe, PA, and his widow had a few pointed things to say about that. (The Daily Beast)

Not only did hundreds of Americans plant those mysterious Chinese seeds that started showing up in mailboxes, but, uh, some of them ate them. Yup. (Vice)

Later this year a new film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune will be released. Vel veeter has some thoughts about what the new adaptation is likely to miss, "like IT movies and Game of Thrones… it contracts the scope implied by the book if not fully conveyed by the book." Have you read the classic sci-fi series or watched the previous adaptations? (Cannonball Read 12)