By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 30, 2023 |
By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 30, 2023 |
Jimmy Kimmel was seriously thinking about retiring until the strike showed him that he likes working and would be extremely bored. (THR)
Patty Lin’s new book also spills some tea on Desperate Housewives. (Lainey Gossip)
If your husband didn’t get a vasectomy, yet you kept having sex without any birth control, what did you think was going to happen? Jesus would just stop the sperm? (Celebitchy)
While we’re on the topic of Christian idiots, the Schlapps are accusing The Daily Beast of being “Satan’s publication,” which honestly sounds rad. (Wonkette)
From Roxana: Kevin Costner didn’t even tell his soon-to-be ex-wife what the heck happened with Yellowstone. (Us Weekly)
McG is open to Charlie Angels 3 if Drew, Cameron, and Lucy are game. (Variety)
Did we really need scientific research to determine men will have sex with anything and then make some sort of lame excuse about why they did it later? (Gizmodo)
From James: If Australia could just calm its tits while we deal with hurricanes and forest fires, that would be great. (The Guardian)
While it’s our job to dunk all over Mitch McConnell having another freezing episode and/or demand his retirement, it’s Joe Biden’s job to be a classy dude about the whole thing. Naturally, he was. (Mediaite)
Right-wing harassment led to bomb threats at three elementary schools and libraries this week. The American Taliban in action, folks. (Jezebel)
After loving the tight writing in Ali Hazelwood’s most recent book, Love to Loathe, MegsDarcy dove into Hazelwood’s backlist and read her first publication. “The Love Hypothesis is still very enjoyable and engaging, but the maturity is missing.” Do you explore a new favorite author’s backlist? (Cannonball Read 15)