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Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Found a Sixth Baby Somewhere

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 1, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 1, 2021 |


So, uh, somehow Hilaria and Alec Baldwin have a newborn baby even though she just gave birth five months ago. While this medically has to be an adoption or surrogate situation, the couple are refusing to say, which is one way to steer the conversation away from the whole pretending to be Spanish thing. (Dlisted)

The significance of BTS in fighting anti-Asian racism. (Lainey Gossip)

Did Kanye try to sell Kim’s jewelry pre-divorce filing? (Celebitchy)

From Dustin: Seth Rogen is gonna be so rich. Like, Bezos rich.

A lawyer alleges T.I. and his wife Tiny drugged, assaulted, and kidnapped several women for over a decade. (The Root)

From Roxana: Why did the world forget about My Name Is Earl? A good question! It’s not just because Jason Lee’s a former Scientologist, right? (MEL Magazine)

From Genevieve: Laurie Hernandez has superhero-inspired leotards and at least one Marvel hero has given her a thumbs up. (Twitter)

Hate the smarmy, agit-pop nihilism that plagues social media as much as I do? Here’s a great essay on how it will never effect change. (Teri Kanefield)

Taylor Swift is not a fan of being a Ginny & Georgia joke. (Variety)

I’m trying to hang with Ray Fisher, but does he think Warner Bros. is launching an entire Black Superman movie just to distract from him or am I reading that wrong? (Vulture)

Ardaigle has reviewed NK Jemisin’s collection of short stories, How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? She was awed by how much story Jemisin packs into a few pages. "It’s kind of like watching a cooking show (go with me on this one) where everyone has the same amount of time but somehow one person’s creation is like two tiers taller, or much more put together than anyone else’s." Are you reading Black authors all year long? (Cannonball Read 13)

Have you read something that turned out to be more than you thought it would be? On the surface, Halbs thought Ben Phillippe’s Charming as a Verb sounded like typical YA. "But the book is much more about what it’s like to be a Black teenager and professional trying to make it in a world where one’s presence isn’t exactly welcomed." (Cannonball Read 13)