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Fox News Employees Celebrate Tucker Carlson's Firing

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba Love | April 24, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba Love | April 24, 2023 |


Mike’s out with a thing tonight, so you’re stuck with me. I’m sorry! Meanwhile, no one is happier about Tucker Carlson getting shitcanned at Fox News than Fox News employees, who will no longer have to work with him or work for a network that employs him. “Pure joy,” one Fox reporter said, responding to the news. “No one is untouchable. It’s a great day for America.” I’m also personally excited because I probably won’t have to spend much more time in the future searching for unflattering images of Carlson. (Rolling Stone)

Speaking of, do you know who else was stunned by Tucker Carlson’s termination? Tucker Carlson! (Vanity Fair)

When I saw last week the rumors about Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell, I didn’t realize the two were in pre-existing relationships, which makes this messy (but not too messy, because neither are married). (Lainey)

The Atlanta DA will decide whether to prosecute Dump Trump this summer. (Axios)

I heard a podcast about Bryan Johnson once — I think he was actually interviewed in it. He’s the guy who thinks he’s figured out how to reverse — or at least slow — aging. Good for him! But also, he kicked his girlfriend to the curb because she got cancer, so I hope the aging process quickly catches up with him. (Celebitchy)

If Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon had not been fired this morning, this short clip of Ron DeSantis would have been the story of the day.

Pete Davidson might, but probably won’t face criminal charges for his one-car crash last month — he had no drugs or alcohol in his system, but he was driving like an asshole. (Dlisted)

I was watching the OG Pink Panther with the family over the weekend, and spotted a young actor whom it took me nearly the entire movie to finally recognize: Robert Wagner! He’s best known to Boomers as Natalie Wood’s husband, who may or may not have been involved in her death, and to Gen X for his work in the Austin Powers movie, which premiered in 1997, a year when fashion choices were definitely made. (GFY)

Just FYI: For those of you who enjoy images of attractive celebrity men in various states of undress, our own Jason Adams has a daily dose of that. Let this be a public service announcement. (My New Plaid Pants)

In the newest edition of her newsletter, the Gossip Reading Club, Kayleigh digs into the 1938 advertisement that started the trend of so-called box office poison. (Gossip Reading Club)

Heart Stopper season two has a release date: August 3rd. If you haven’t watched the first season yet, please do. (The Wrap)

India has now officially surpassed China as the most populous country in the world. (The Guardian)

This is from Claude, although I don’t understand what these words mean in this order: Hey, Wizards of the Coast, some free PR advice: if you are worried about a leak of your material and want to get it back, how about trying any option before SENDING THE PINKERTONS AFTER PEOPLE? (The

Also from Claude, and I am quite familiar with BetterHealth because of every podcast ever: There isn’t a single online therapy app that hasn’t had rumblings of shadiness, but for real: stay the hell away from BetterHelp. (FTC)

If wicherwill were queen of everything, she would require everyone to read The World Record Book of Racist Stories by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar. It’s hilarious and infuriating, and “I do in fact recommend abstaining from food and drink whilst reading this novel, lest said items end up in areas they aren’t meant to go.” What would you make everyone read if you could? (Cannonball Read 15)