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The Ezra Miller Situation Just Got Way Worse

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 8, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 8, 2022 |


Last week, there was a big write-up in Variety about how Warner Bros. is still feeling comfortable keeping Ezra Miller in The Flash because a. it would be way too expensive to replace them and b. they seemed to be laying low after a set of assault allegations that, honestly, should not be swept under the rug. Well, so much for that laying low part. According to a damning new report, Miller has allegedly been grooming an 18-year-old for the past six years, and the teen’s parents have sought a court order to keep Miller away from their child who is also non-binary and has allegedly been seen with bruises from the actor. Yup, that movie ain’t happening. (TMZ)

Netflix’s The School for Good & Evil starring Charlize Theron and Kerry Washington doesn’t look like the thing that’s going to break through. (Lainey Gossip)

Cole Sprouse put his naked butt on main, and Twitter has thoughts. (Dlisted)

Taika Waititi and Rita Ora are reportedly engaged. (Celebitchy)

From Andrew: Kevin Conroy’s coming out story is DC’s most important comic in years. (ScreenRant)

In another bad sign for Ezra Miller, WB Discovery had no problem axing J.J. Abram’s new TV series, Demimonde, which is officially dead. (Deadline)

Elon Musk wants data? Twitter is going to hose him with data. (Gizmodo)

Please stop asking Brian Cox to tell you to “F*ck off.” (IndieWire)

Kristen Stewart says she’s working on “most gayest, most fun-est, most titillating queer ghost hunting show ever.” (Vulture)

Netflix will never cave on weekly releases for Stranger Things. (AV Club)

Seriously, NBC, you couldn’t have picked a different reporter whose husband didn’t work for Johny Depp’s team? At least pretend to care how bad this looks. (Daily Beast)

TQB had intended to read and review all of Louise Erdrich’s books in order for Cannonball Read but got hung up on Tales of Burning Love. Her feelings are complicated, but she liked that, "this is a novel about women; about all the different aspects of womanhood that both fight against each other and ultimately unite." Who are your complicated favorites? (Cannonball Read 14)

From Jen: