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Chris Pratt Isn't Religious, You Guys

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 28, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 28, 2022 |


In what can only be construed as a carefully coordinated strategy to defuse the “Worst Chris” situation, Chris Pratt — who apparently hates being called Chris, btw — gave a sprawling interview to Men’s Health where he attempts to tackle the elephant in the room. Namely, the narrative that he attends Hillsong, the “infamously anti-LGBTQ” church as Elliot Page once described it. According to Pratt, he’s never been to Hillsong or even knows anyone who goes there. He actually attends Zoe Church, but he makes it a point to note that he doesn’t go regularly. As for why he waited almost three years to say he doesn’t attend Hillsong, he didn’t want to throw a church under the bus, which … OK. More tellingly, Pratt is trying to pull a semantical maneuver that anyone who grew up evangelical will instantly recognize. You see, Christopher Pratt wants it known that he’s not “religious,” because religion is bad and often used for evil. Very true! However, he does believe in God and loves going golfing with the pastor of the church he doesn’t regularly attend. In essence, he’s playing the old “I’m not religious; I’m spiritual” card, which I’ve seen countless times over the decades. Straight up, it’s bullsh*t. In a nutshell, what these people are trying to do is make their faith sound more authentic than Catholicism and, of course, Judaism when, at the end of the day, they still very much adhere to patriarchal, heteronormative dogma. In short, the dude’s still the worst. (Men’s Health)

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