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Britney Spears’ Memoir Will Smash the World With an Umbrella

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 13, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 13, 2023 |


Britney Spears’ memoir is reportedly finished. The almost definite bestseller will reportedly hit shelves this fall and “shake the world” with its story. “No stone is left unturned.” If I were her dad, I’d look into moving to Mexico. (Page Six)

Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys give us the gift of The Americans at the 10th anniversary of the show. (Lainey Gossip)

Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles almost had an awkward encounter. (Dlisted)

Brett Goldstein is “the only person in L.A. in the last 15 years who has body hair.” (Celebitchy)

Just in time for Renfield, Kayleigh talked about that other Nic Cage vampire film, the infamous Vampire’s Kiss. (/Film)

Stranger Things’ best new character is getting a prequel novel. (Gizmodo)

Dril is ready to get the hell off Twitter thanks to Elon. (AV Club)

Agent Carter would’ve done much better if it came out today. (The Wrap)

From Chris: Because we decided to automate creative arts instead of labor, AI art is appearing in video games and players are not pleased. (Kotaku)

Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks the 21-year-old dipshit who leaked military secrets on Discord is only being arrested because he’s “white” and “Christian.” Yup, that’s totally it, Marj. No other reason. (Mediaite)

Can Logan still win Succession? You better believe it. (IndieWire)

ASKReviews appreciates a lot of the information in Maisie Hill’s Period Power, though some she thinks you should approach with caution. “I think the concerns of women and others who menstruate are so often fully dismissed that there is a danger of us grasping onto anything that seems promising.” Which books do you recommend, but with caveats? (Cannonball Read 15)