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Ben Shapiro's Bigoted Little Keebler Elf Mind Can't Handle Harry Styles in a Dress

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 16, 2020 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 16, 2020 |


Demi Lovato roasted the five minutes she was engaged to some weirdo while hosting the People’s Choice Award. (Lainey Gossip)

Ellen DeGeneres is trying really hard to paper over the fact that everyone knows she’s terrible to work for. (Dlisted)

Joe Biden’s transition team is majority women and POC, but please, tell me more about how Republicans and Democrats are all the same. (Celebitchy)

Ben Shapiro had a conniption today over Harry Styles wearing a dress on the cover of Vogue. In the course of that, I stumbled across this lovely little gem, and my god…

Shit, Sinbad had a stroke? This goddamn year… (The Root)

Turns out Christopher Nolan actually doesn’t mind if you watch movies on your phone despite all those jokes everyone should keep making. Stay strong. (Link)

Marvel clearly saw the shit Star Wars received for spitting in the face God, so it will not be using a digital double for Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther 2. (Deadline)

True Story: I was a band geek up until 11th grade, so this might not hit for you like it did for me. Also, our band teacher was straight up J.K. Simmons in Whiplash, which makes it very possible I only laughed out of sheer terror. Definitely on the table.

So there was a big to-do about Zack Snyder shooting new footage for the Justice League Snyder Cut, and now he can triumphantly reveal that it amounts to four whole minutes. Yup. (Collider)

Trump is reportedly planning some unhinged shit for his last months in office, but that can’t be right because when does he plan anything? (Jezebel)

Amber Heard slapped down all of the Johnny Depp stans trying to get her fired from Aquaman 2, which notably, did not work. Suck it, sad nerds. (EW)

To honor National Native American Heritage Month, Cannonball Read is highlighting narfna’s 4-star review of Tommy Orange’s There There. "The book itself is seeking (in part) to reckon with the idea of the modern Indian, the Urban Indian, and it does so with not just one or two native voices, but a whole web of them." Native American authors are underrepresented in publishing, is there one you recommend? (Cannonball Read 12)

Every these videos pop up I tell myself, “OK, this is going to be the last time I embed one in Pajiba Love.” And then Blaire Erskine will drop at least an incredible line (or four) that I can’t not share. It’s impossible.