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The 11th Annual Pajiba 10 Voting Commences Now: Who Are Your Five Freebies?

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba 10 | June 30, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba 10 | June 30, 2017 |

Today begins voting for the 11th Annual Pajiba 10. For the few of you who may not be familiar, this is an incredibly fun exercise we do every year. Our readers vote for our version of the most beautiful person in the world, although our list tends to give equal weight to a person’s intelligence, wit, and general attractiveness.

Annually this is one of our most popular posts, and in past years, we’ve even occasionally had folks acknowledge their placement on the lists. It’s super fun.

Here’s how it works, and please pay attention to the instructions because it makes it much, much easier to tally the votes. You all will compile your own Five Freebies lists — the five people with whom your significant other would allow a free pass (if you don’t have a free pass, just pretend). Very early on, the readers began compiling two separate lists: One with those of his or her sex, and another with those of the opposite sex. That tradition is baked in now (although not a requirement), although we should add that if you fancy someone who is non-binary, they can go on either list. The people who are mentioned most frequently make up our Pajiba 10.


The staff has also put together a number of folks for your consideration (otherwise, our votes count the same as yours). They include Miguel Angel Silvestre, Misha Collins, Briga Heeland, Jason Momoa, Chris Evans, Donnie Yen, Shirley Manson, Barry Jenkins, Pablo Schreiber, Taika Waititi, Logan Browning, and Seth Meyers.

One caveat: Those who have been in the Pajiba 10 three times are no longer eligible. They’re in the Pajiba 10 Hall of Fame. You can still vote for them, but those votes will not count. We do not have any new additions to the Hall of Fame this year, though we do have a number of two-timers waiting to be added.

This year, we’re also going to throw in something extra: As a site, we’re going to choose the Best Chris: Pine, Pratt, Evans, or Hemsworth. At the end of your Freebies list, please add one of those names (either of the four Chrisses are also eligible for the Pajiba 10, as well, so if you have Chris Pine on your Freebies list, for instances, include him in both places).

Finally, and please note this format, because it makes it much easier for me to count votes. Write your lists, and then add your Chris. PLEASE USE A COLON SEPARATING ‘CHRIS’ AND THE LAST NAME. It will be super helpful in counting it separately. If you want to continue your comment or justify your decisions, please do so UNDER the lists.

So, here is my list, and yours should be formatted similarly (bolding is not necessary):

Opposite Sex
Briga Heeland
Melanie Lynskey
Kathryn Hahn
Kamala Harris
Carrie Coon

Same Sex
Ira Glass
Jon Lovett
Ryan Reynolds
Justin Theroux
Stanley Tucci

Chris: Pine