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Pajiba 10 For Your Consideration: Robert Pattinson

By Jodi Smith | Pajiba 10 | June 24, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Pajiba 10 | June 24, 2019 |


(Publisher’s Note: Voting on the 13th Annual Pajiba 10 will kick off next week. Ahead of the voting, various staff members will offer our personal favorites, for your consideration.)

The Twilight movies were both boon and bane to Robert Pattinson, allowing those uninterested in the mindless, idiotic, somewhat fun flicks to underestimate him as an actor. Of course, the money and exposure of the film series allow helped Pattinson immerse himself in indie roles and, much like former co-star Kristen Stewart, flex his acting muscles in obscure roles.






It is exactly his interest in oddball roles in lesser-known films that makes me very excited to have him don the cowl as the next Batman in 2021’s The Batman. There has to be something worthwhile in Matt Reeves’superhero film to get him signed to another blockbuster film franchise, right?

Apart from his handsomeness, acting prowess, and handsomeness, Pattinson is also active in many charitable organizations. In 2010 and 2011 he raised money for PAGE (Program Advancing Girls Education) in Cambodia by offering a meet and greet on the set of Breaking Dawn and then hosted a private screening of the film for bidders. In 2010 he also answered phones to accept donations from callers to help Haiti recover from an earthquake. He recently worked as a co-host with Dame Helen Mirren to raise funds for refugees via the Hollywood Foreign Press.

I know it’s still cool to write Pattinson off, but he really does tick all of the boxes for the Pajiba 10.


Image sources (in order of posting): Getty Images, Summit Entertainment, eOne Films, A24, 20th Century Fox, Kaleidoscope Entertainment