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'SNL' Announces Its Post-Election Host, and It's Not Dave Chapelle

By Dustin Rowles | News | October 31, 2024 |

Header Image Source: NBC

I don’t know if this is a good omen or a bad one because Dave Chappelle hosted the first show after the election in 2016 (after Trump won) AND 2020 (after Biden won). Still, it’s undoubtedly a good thing that a stand-up comedian who has turned his entire act into transphobic grievances is not hosting the post-election episode this year, as many of us had feared.

It feels like a victory, small though it may be.

Instead, SNL is bringing on Bill Burr. He is not someone progressives like, but he’s also not someone conservatives like that much, either. He’s the kind of guy who will tell Joe Rogan and Bill Maher that they are full of shit, but he’s also friends with Joe Rogan and Bill Maher. He’s also been quiet this election season. He won’t be on November 9th, and my guess is that he will mock whoever wins, and if it’s Harris, I’ll be too elated to care. Importantly, he also won’t spend 20 minutes five days after the election attacking trans people after the swing states have been inundated with anti-trans ads for the last two or three months.

He’ll be hosting that show along with musical guest Mk.gee. I don’t know what to read into that politically because I have no idea who Mk.gee is.

I do know who Charli xcx is, and she will be hosting the next show on November 16th. She’ll also be the musical guest. I hope it’s a Brat fall.