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Late Night Tries To Make Sense Of Trump's Ass-Kissing Summit With Putin

By Andrew Roberts | News | July 16, 2018 |

By Andrew Roberts | News | July 16, 2018 |


Look, it is easy to say that Donald Trump’s Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was a disgrace. The pundits, media, and fellow politicians here at home already made that quite clear to the few people out there who weren’t already disgusted by the Trump presidency. It is the knee jerk reaction.

That’s why late night television is able to sit back, let it breathe a bit, and realize the truth about the entire matter: Donald Trump is just an incredible idiot.

Seth Meyers was the first to drop his “Closer Look” on the issue, extending it out to Trump’s visit to Great Britain to point out that he likely has no clue what “Brexit” even is and might not be aware that Ireland isn’t part of the United Kingdom. The whole visit was just the political version of the liquid shits, even making the Royal Family look sympathetic after the president managed to look foolish with the Queen.

But it was the meeting with Putin that stood out, of course. If you’ve seen Trump in any speech up to this point, it really wasn’t too surprising. It’s likely less a conspiracy and more he’s a spiteful, petty child who will side with anybody that he’s told he shouldn’t side with, even if that means going against his own law enforcement and intelligence officials.

It was more of the same over at The Daily Show, featuring Trevor Noah’s semi-annoying Trump impression and some fun references to Cardi B, Sherlock Holmes, and Catherine Keener’s role in Get Out. Noah also singled out Trump essentially cheerleading for Russia, showing a fine Photoshop of the president in a cheerleading uniform. Try to sleep at night picturing those legs doing a high kick and split.

And finally we have Stephen Colbert, continuing to pour it onto the president as he’s done since that depressing trainwreck election night special on Showtime. That’s the kind of stench that takes a while to wash off — something Jimmy Fallon and the folks at SNL are still working on. But Colbert is the one host that doesn’t really mince words on Monday and calls the entire meeting evidence for collusion. He also singled out John McCain’s response to the meeting, which joined a chorus of boos from Congress and other political figures that won’t amount to anything worthwhile when they confirm his SCOTUS pick or vote for him to start firebombing Toronto.

He thinks it is the capital.