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Julia Louis-Dreyfus Recalls Harsh Welcome At 'SNL'

By Andrew Sanford | News | October 31, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Photo by Vinnie Zuffante/Getty Images

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an undeniable talent. You can see it throughout her career, from her earliest moments to the numerous Emmy wins to her extensive film career—she’s incredible! I bet you’d be hard-pressed to find a situation where people didn’t welcome her with open arms. Anyone would be more than grateful to have a performer like Julia Louis-Dreyfus join their ranks! Imagine a sketch show that is still early in its success but is adding new cast members. Why, they would be positively ecstatic to have Luis-Dreyfus join their squad! … Right?

Saturday Night Live is celebrating its 50th season. That’s a pretty big deal! People have been reflecting on their history with the show as part of the festivities. For the most part, that has brought out several fun stories and anecdotes from the unique, if not tumultuous halls of Studio 8H. However, it’s also produced stories that are not charming or flattering. They make the show sound like a real slog for people in the cast and crew!

Louis-Dreyfus was on Saturday Night Live from 1982-1985. It is far from the most memorable aspect of her career (that would be Troll) but is notable nonetheless. It went how any young actor may hope, being discovered on your home turf. “When I was just getting started, I was part of the Practical Theatre Company in Chicago,” the Seinfeld star revealed to People. “The producers of SNL came to see the show and they loved it, and they hired all of us to come to New York and be a part of SNL.” So cool! Good thing the story ends there and… wait… I am being told the story does not end there.

The first rehearsal still sticks out in her head, as she had to perform with three “complete and total unknowns” in the 30 Rock offices “under fluorescent lights in the middle of the day in front of 20 very cynical, unfriendly SNL cast members and writers.” As she remembers it, the folks at SNL “already hated us because a bunch of their best friends had just been fired to make room for us.” That… is not the most welcoming situation to enter.

I understand why the SNL cast may not have been warm to new members, but it’s not a great excuse. They must have known that this wasn’t the fault of the new members. Taking it out on them is childish, to say the least. Despite the incredible opportunity, Louis-Dreyfus doesn’t look back on her time with the kindest eyes. “We never had a chance. Sketches that had killed in Chicago died a terrible, terrible death that day. It was excruciating. I think that humiliation influenced our whole SNL experience for the next couple of years, to tell you the truth,” she continued. “I’ve learned a lot since that cringey day in a carpeted office on the 17th floor of 30 Rock.”

You’re going to have some blemishes if you exist for 50 years. I don’t think the folks at SNL necessarily want these stories out for their big anniversary, but they are necessary. It can’t all be a $30 million handjob lubed up with reverence.