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I Couldn't Possibly Comment On the Painting That Trump Has Hung in the White House

By Petr Navovy | News | October 15, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | News | October 15, 2018 |


Look: There are far, far more important, pressing, existentially urgent issues right now than what painting Donald Trump chooses to hang in the White House. I’m not a fan either of this narrative that constantly highlights Trump’s awful taste and tackiness and brings it up for ridicule. The man is a walking pinata stuffed with far-right rhetoric, crony capitalism, and neo-colonial American ambition. Who gives a shit if he has poor taste in decor? That must be so far down on the list of priorities so as to be scarcely detectable. And let’s not get too bent out of shape about the walls of the White House being ‘defiled’ by a crass opportunist either eh? That’s also not the angle to take. After all, the worst lesson to learn from all of this would be that things would be much better if they could just go back to the way they were—when the racists, war criminals, and free-market fundamentalist that occupied the Presidential Palace at least showed a bit of ‘class’ with their decorative choices, spoke with a more refined air and eloquent grace, and definitely did nothing to enable the rise of a President Donald Trump in the first place.

All that being said, look at this thing:

According to The Daily Beast:

President Trump’s latest addition to White House decor is a kitschy fantasy painting that shows him relaxing with Republican presidents of the past—an update to a best-selling image commonly found in tourist gift shops and online galleries.

The artwork, “The Republican Club” by Andy Thomas, could be seen in the background of a photo tweeted by 60 Minutes, which aired an interview with Trump on Sunday night.

It shows a slimmed-down Trump sandwiched between Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, directly across from Abraham Lincoln. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and both Bushes are also in the imaginary scene.

Intentional or not, at least there’s one sign of hope somewhere in that dirt puddle of a painting: