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Don’t Worry, Ladies, Don Lemon Knows You Love Matt Lauer

By Andrew Sanford | News | January 24, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Photo by Gotham/GC Images

Canceled people love standing up for other canceled people. It’s a weird, albeit not unexpected, side effect for the whole process. A man could spend years lambasting, I don’t know, our current president and then bend the knee the moment he finds himself in hot water. It’s shameless and creepy and is the clearest look at what a “Boy’s Club” is: a bunch of grown men trying to make excuses for each other’s abhorrent behavior (and Amanda Palmer). Now, add Don Lemon and Matt Lauer to that despicable crew.

For those who don’t remember, Don Lemon was fired from CNN after allegations of his rampant misogyny were brought to light. They were only brought to light after Lemon made disparaging comments about women on air, but it did lead CNN to take action. Wait. Excuse me. CNN only took action after Lemon’s s***ty behavior became bad for business. That makes more sense. While Lemon’s behavior was unacceptable, Matt Lauer was hurled from our TV screens for much more malicious behavior.

Lauer was one of few people to face true consequences during the MeToo movement. Allegations of sexual abuse and harassment were brought against him. He was fired by NBC and even copped to some of the complaints (while still denying others). To say that he has been persona non grata ever since would be an understatement. No one in their right mind would try to defend Lauer or his alleged actions. It would take a creep of enormous magnitude to do something that tone-deaf and stupid. You know where this is going.

Lemon recently appeared on the Hollywood Raw Podcast and was asked about Lauer’s future career prospects. Instead of declaring those chances dead on arrival, Lemon chose a different, dumber path. “I think that if he could come back to digital, he can set his own course,” the disgraced host explained. Okay. Hopefully, that was the worst of what he said, right? Surely he didn’t dismiss the heinous allegations against Lauer due to a newly formed friendship between the two? Ugh.

“I only got to know Matt after, you know, the whole situation happened, because we live in the same town and we have mutual friends,” let me stop you there, Don. “Whole situation?” Are you f***ing serious?! The man had a button under his desk that locked women in his office!! And honestly, that’s the only part of the allegations I’m willing to repeat. They’re monstrous. But Lemon didn’t stop there, saying, “Whenever I see Matt out and about — or you know, if we go out to dinner, my husband and I go out to dinner with him and his fiancée — and people love him.” Okay, Don. That’s enough out of you. No more waxing poetic about — oh God, he wasn’t done.

“Women love him! They’re like, ‘Man, oh my God, can I get a picture? I love you. I miss you on television.’ I think the public loves him. The public misses him, but it’s just the … it’s the people inside the business who are afraid,” were words that actually came out of Don Lemon’s mouth! According to a man who said a woman’s prime is “her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s” wants you to know that the ladies also love a man who was so credibly accused sexual assault and harassment that he actually admitted wrongdoing and hasn’t shown his dumb face on TV since. The shamelessness knows no bounds.