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Republicans Aren't The Ones Who Should Be Afraid

By Dustin Rowles | News | August 26, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | News | August 26, 2020 |


This is what I should have pegged back to Republican’s all out efforts this week to use fear to scare white suburban women into voting for Trump. White suburban women are not the ones who should be afraid.

Here’s Doc Rivers, the coach of the Los Angeles Clippers, speaking to the media last night after their playoff victory.

“All you hear, from Donald Trump and all of them, is talking about fear,” Rivers says. “We’re the ones getting killed. We’re the ones getting shot. We’re the ones who are denied from living in certain communities. We’ve been hung. We’ve been shot.

“And all you keep hearing about is fear,” Rivers said, choking up. “It’s amazing to me why we keep loving this country. And this country does not love us back.”

“How dare Republicans talk about fear. We’re the ones who need to be scared. We’re the ones having to talk to every Black child. What white father has to have a talk with his son about what to do if you’re pulled over?”

Police officers did not kneel on the neck of a suburban white woman for eight minutes until she died. Police officers did not shoot a suburban white woman in the back 7 times while she was getting into her car. Suburban white women were not shot by a white man carrying a semi-automatic rifle in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

You want to get rid of the violence? Stop voting for those who condone it against Black Americans.