By Andrew Sanford | News | October 27, 2023 |
By Andrew Sanford | News | October 27, 2023 |
Clarence Thomas’s blatant corruption would be comical if it wasn’t so … well, blatant. The man also has yet to face consequences for his wrongdoings. To my knowledge, he has recused himself from overseeing one recent case before the Supreme Court. That’s about it.
Until Clarence is impeached from the Court, we have Desus Nice to take shots at the corrupt Supreme Court Justice. Nice is guest-hosting The Daily Show this week, and doing a bang-up job. We know he’s experienced, but it can still be hard to hop behind that desk. He sits there like he owns it. Cool, calm, collected, and sharp.
Nice turned his attention toward Thomas in a new episode of The Daily Show. Thomas’s corruption of choice in his newest scandal? RVs. The man loves an RV. I assume that’s so he can always be ready to accept a paid vacation. If Harlan Crow comes calling from his rotary phone that’s shaped like Joseph Goebbels, Clarence doesn’t even have to pack.
Maybe Clarence Thomas will see justice one day. Supreme justice. Too many shitty rich people get away with whatever they want. I’m tired and I just want there to be consequences. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.