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Can 'Get Millie Black'? Get Renewed?

By Genevieve Burgess | News | December 23, 2024 |

Header Image Source: HBO

Queen Woo on Paramount+ at 3:01am ET. Series premiere. This is a Korean action series about a Queen who must remarry within 24 hours of her husband’s death in order to maintain her hold on the throne. I do notice that some write-ups of the show mention “gratuitous” intimate scenes and some graphic violence against women.

What If…? on Disney+ at 3:01am ET.

Love Island: Australia on Hulu at 7:01pm ET. Sixth season finale. Once again, going to plug the most recent season of The Ultimatum on Netflix if you’re looking for reality dating show sludge that will give you that shot of misanthropy that can be sorely missing in other holiday programming. Do you want to have some OPINIONS on the relationships of other people? Enjoy.

Monday Night Football: New Orleans Saints at Green Bay Packers on ABC at 8:15pm.

Get Millie Black on HBO at 9:00pm ET. First season finale. No word on a second season that I’ve been able to find, so we might leave Millie Black here.