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A Deleted Scene in 'Bird Box' Would Have Revealed the Monster and It Would Have Been Dumb

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | December 27, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | December 27, 2018 |


The movie to watch over the holidays on Netflix is Sandra Bullock’s Bird Box, which is a much better option than last year’s Bright. It’s about a post-apocalyptic world in which a … something … causes all the world’s inhabitants to take their own lives if they peer into the … something.

Director Susanne Bier is wise in the film not to let viewers see a glimpse of the something because, obviously, whatever we conjure up in our imagination will be worse than anything that can be put onscreen (for instance, I imagine a giant, floating ethereal Eddie Redmayne-shaped apparition).

However, the producers — who notoriously possess shit for brains — strongly suggested that the something be featured in the film — that the creature been shown, explained the film’s writer, Eric Heisserer, to Bloody Disgusting: “There was a time when one of the producers was like, ‘No, you have to see something at some point’ and forced me to write essentially a nightmare sequence where [protagonist] Malorie experiences one in that house.”

As Sandra Bullock explained, “It was a green man with a horrific baby face. It was just a long fat baby.”

That sounds … dumb.

“We actually shot that and spent a lot of energy on [the deleted scene], but every time I saw it, I was like this is not going to be tense. It’s just going to be funny,” director Susanne Bier said. “At first, [Bullock] was like, ‘I don’t want to see it’ because she thought it was scary. Then it was like, ‘Don’t show it to me because [I’ll laugh].’ Every time I did it, I was like, ‘Shit, that’s a different film.’”

And it would have been a completely different — and laughable — film, which again proves the old maxim: “Producers should just be quiet.”

Source: Bloody Disgusting